Recent events in Israel and around the globe have awakened something deep and powerful within the heart and soul of the Jewish people worldwide.
In addition to a renewed sense of devotion to our homeland, a heightened sense of Jewish consciousness and expression has been animating and motivating Jews of all backgrounds and from all walks of life.
More than just a slogan, “Am Yisroel Chai!” has become a driving force in how we conduct our lives and help those in need.
Toward that end, today, say yes to Rachel who marches cheerfully into the Gan Israel Early Learning Center each morning to learn.
Say yes to Frank who says "the holiday food packages you deliver to the assisted living center brings me joy and hope, enlivens me and reminds me of the best of my home growing up.
Say yes to you becoming a more essential source of light and hope, strength and support and inspiration in the lives of thousands of men, women, and children throughout the greater Oklahoma City area.
By participating in this match campaign, you will are saying ‘Yes to Light and Life’ – in double Measure!
Every dollar you donate will be doubled by our generous *matchers, enabling us to reach our GOAL OF $270,000.
As one candle can kindle multiple lights, so can your one good deed have double the impact!
Every dollar donated is DOUBLED!
$100 = $200
$1,000 = $2,000
$3,600 = $7,200
$5,400 = $10,800
Donate now and illuminate the path ahead for others to follow your lead!
In honor of Rabbi Goldman
Rabbi o and Larry we love you guys. So good to see when you come to crown heights
In honor of Melinda Harolds
In honor of Brenda Hooper
In Loving memory of Esther bas sembul..shemuel ben esther
Ir efuah shelam..shemuel asher ben rivka blima
36/36 In loving memory of Gary Bachman - Thank you Nechoma and Rabbi for all you do!
36/36 In honor of Moshe Lev and Ayelet and The Great Rabbi
In honor of Rabbi and Nechoma
36/36 In loving memory of Shirley Burns
34/36 In loving memory of Jacob Hunter Reed
33/36 In honor of Marc and Alicia Kulick
32/36 In honor of their children Helana and Aliza
27/36 In honor of The Goldmans, Lupias, and all of the amazing people at Chabad OKC - and in merit of Moshe ben Menachem Mendel
26/36 In lovinng memoryy of Leah Lapkin and Sonia Tullius
24/36 In loving memory of Norton Schetman
23/36 Thank you for the Jewish life that you and your family bring to Oklahoma City!
22/36 In loving memory of Feige bas Yaakov Shlomo - Yahrtzeit is on 2 Tevet
21/36 In honor of the Chabad Hebrew School and the Gan Israel Early Learning Center
15/36 ln loving memory of Cindy Connor
14/36 In loving memory of Rueven Shahpour Soraya
11/36 In support of Rabbi and Nechoma Goldman
10/36 In honor of Martin's sister Deanna Levine living un London, England
9/36 In lovinfg memory of John and Sally Bartrug
8/36 In loving meomey of Anne & Bernard Schwartz, Caryn Lasser
1/36 In honor of the Reshef Family
In loving memory of Max Furer
In loving memory of Yonah David ben Yaffa
Inloving memory of my father Mordechai ben Avraham - Dr. Mark Roytman
In loving memory of Abraham Irving Friedman
In Honor of our sons and sons-in-law and daughters and daughters in law who gave so much to defend the Jewish People and the Land of Israel since October 7th. And in loving memory of my parents, Ben and Shirley Shanker, who modeled giving and courage for all of us.
In loving memory of Alan Rich
In Loving Memory of Barbara and Stanley Schwartz
In honor of Marc and Alicia Kulick
On behalf ogf the Nemark OK Team
In loving memory of Ann and Joseph B Singer
In loving memory of Joy, Edward, Judy, Michael Kaswan, Julia , Irving Goldberg
In loving memory of The Rebbe
Note from Chabad: Thank you for the summers yougave to the kids here at Camp Gan IsraelOKC!
In honor of Marc and Alicia
An Admirer
In honor of Marc Kulick
In honor of Moshe Lev and Ayelet - L'Chaim V'Livracha
In honor of my friends Marc and Alicia Kulick
In Honor of Marc and Alicia Kulic and Rabbi and Rebbetzin Ovadia Goldman
I'm blasted and honored to be doing this for a great cause.
In honor of Mr & Mrs Kulick
In highest honor of Marc Kulic ! - Let’s go Chiefs !
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